For when you are on the floor
A few weeks ago, I wrote an email about how much I love desperation. If you missed that one, you can check it out ​​here on my blog​​.
Writing that got me thinking, I am pretty good at working with desperation. 🤣 I have worked with it a lot in myself and in my clients.
So for all of you nerds out there who want a little more guidance on this, I wanted to write a bit of a “basic bitches guide to working with the energy of desperation.” 🔥
The good news about desperation is that it is life force energy. You just gotta learn to work with it and convert it into energy that is useful for creation.
So, here’s the teaching, for those of you taking notes 📝 This is for when you are just all the way on the floor of your life, feeling a little hopeless and desperate, and you’re like WHAT DA FAQ DO I DO NOW???
Let yourself feel absolute and utter desperation. Go all the way in and grind your hips on the floor of desperation. Literally get on the floor and grind your hips to feel it all the way. Turn on some hip grinding music while you are at it.
Keep feeling it ALLL the way baby. Do not hold back. Scream, yell, kick, cry. Drop all the way in. If there’s anger, let it rip. If there’s sadness, let it come. If that feels too intense or unreachable for you, just sit down with the intention of feeling your desperation and see how much you CAN feel. Act like an animal, on your hands and knees.
Ask yourself if you’ve felt the desperation all the way, (By the way, feeling it all the way could take some time, days, maybe even weeks). If you have not, go back to steps 1 and 2.
Then ask - “Am I ready to let this desperation move me?” Be really honest with yourself here. If yes, move on to number 5. If no, slow down with the part of you that is scared to move. What does that part need? What does that part feel? Sit with that part and feel until you feel ready to move. Meditation and journaling are great tools to get in touch with that part of you.
Make a choice and commit to a shift. This does not mean perfection. Just a commitment. Get clear with yourself on what you are committing to. This is where you must be ERECT. You cannot stay collapsed on the floor. You have to get up and take full responsibility. And you must stay OPEN here. It’s all about the energy from which you commit. You don’t want to bring dry pu$$y energy into this one. 🤣
From that place, ask your intuition the very next step you can take from your commitment. If you slow down and give yourself some space, you will see it. You will feel it.
And then keep going. Keep slowing down and asking yourself about the very next step. Rely on your intuition. Go slow enough so you can feel yourself and hold yourself each step of the way.
Wash, rinse, repeat. For the rest of your life.
How’s that? Would love to hear how this lands for you - feel free to reply to my email here.
And in the meantime, if you are looking for more support, I’m here. Right now I’m offering ​​1 hour complimentary coaching​​ sessions. One hour with me to focus on where you are spiritually, what you desire, and where you are getting stopped. One hour to slow down and fully feel yourself.
​​Click here​​ to book yours.