
I am in service to your Full Expression, Deep Hunger, and Raw Power.

I have always known that I am a creator. But it is only recently that I have been willing to come into deep presence with myself and with source energy. 

From the time that I was little, I have had visions and dreams. Desires and wants and needs. And generally, I have always known “how to make things happen.” It’s just in my blood. That was honestly always the easy part for me of being human. 

But what I have come here on Earth to learn this time around is how to be a human in a body. How to honor my body and listen to her, first and foremost. How to bring my soul all the way through into my experience of being a human. To fully trust source energy and allow it to move through me in its greatest expression. And to expand my capacity to hold density, the source of creative potential energy, in my body.

What I am learning right now is to listen to what life wants for me rather than what my egoic mind wants for me. I am stepping into a life that is beyond what I could ever imagine for myself. Completely guided and held by source. 

I am putting away all the stories around efforting, hard work, and extraction and realizing that life loves me. She wants me to be full of joy. And I don’t have to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders when I trust Her. She is here to support me, teach me, and adjust me every single day.

I am going as the slowest part of me wants to go.

And so, this is what my body of work has come to be - stripping away everything that is in the way of you being in connection with Source. Getting in relationship with every part of you. Learning how to be in the deepest relationship of your life with the only person you will be with every day forever: you. Trusting your pace. Honoring your body. Trusting your path. Taking deep spiritual responsibility. And receiving each and every lesson life wants to give you every moment of your life.

Full throttle, baby. 

I do not know what you are meant for. But She does.

And I can’t wait to find out.